The Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme recognises outstanding young people aged 11-25 across London and Essex.
You must by now have heard of the Jack Petchey Awards, we hold an annual awards evening at The Queens Theatre in Hornchurch.
Now here is what you have to do…
At a meeting early in the autumn term:-
1. For every Guide and Ranger Unit the award is to be explained and who it is for. Many girls will already be aware of this through their school.
2. Each girl is given a slip of paper and asked to nominate a member of their group and the reasons why. The group Leaders use these suggestions to put forward their nomination.
3. On a separate slip of paper, the girls are asked to put their name at the top and then to suggest what an award may be spent on if they were to receive one.
This list then becomes the Unit ‘wish list’.
Once this is done, fill out the application and give to the Division co-ordinator for Jack Petchey Awards. (please write clearly as the information has to be typed up in the office)
This should help Divisions to have a list of names ready and perhaps even a waiting list!
When filling out the form please be as specific as possible, a simple ‘at camp’ or ‘day out’ is not enough. JP want to know when, where and which activities the grant will be used towards.
The coordinator will then inform the groups which girls are being nominated and for which Month and will send the forms to the County office.
For the September, October and November awards this is by 31st October
For January – June this is by 30th April
Once you have received your monetary award and spent it you MUST send your receipts to the County Office.
It is JPF expectation that most awards will be spent by the time of the annual presentation evening.
Girlapplication Jan – June 2025
2025 Leaders Award Nomination Form